Alchemy performance control knobs in Logic Pro for Mac
When simple view is active, or if the Perform button is on in the Perform/Arp/Effects section in other views, the performance controls subpage is displayed.
The eight knobs can each be named by clicking in the field below a knob and typing a name. When a custom name is assigned, auto-assign does not update the name. Delete the performance control text to reenable auto-assigned names.
Control-click any perform knob to open a shortcut menu with a number of useful commands. Most of these commands are also available for the Perform section envelope controls. See Alchemy performance control envelopes in Logic Pro for Mac.

Performance control knob shortcut menu items
Delete Modulation: Shows a list of all targets receiving modulation from the knob. Select an item in this list to delete the corresponding modulation assignment.
Swap With: Exchange all modulation assignments between the selected knob and any other performance control selected from a list.
Copy Setting to all Snapshots: Updates all eight snapshots with the current value of the selected knob, which replaces the stored value of that knob in each snapshot.
For example, if you want to set the master Sustain knob to a value of 100% in every snapshot, turn the knob to the 100% position, Control-click it, then choose this command to apply the new setting to all eight snapshots.
Auto Assign: Set a modulation target for the selected control and update the label.
Lock Control: Enable to prevent the Transform pad from affecting the assigned control. This is useful when you want to automate the assigned parameter independently of the Transform pad.
Invert Knob: Swap the minimum and maximum values of the selected performance control and associated modulation targets. Technically, this parameter modifies the parameter range.