Velocity Processor overview in Logic Pro for Mac
The Velocity Processor MIDI plug-in processes incoming MIDI velocity events—note on and note off—in real time. Among other applications, it allows velocity compression and expansion.

Velocity Processor global parameters
Process buttons: Click either button to process MIDI note on velocity or MIDI note off velocity. Both buttons can be active simultaneously.
Mode pop-up menu: Choose a velocity processing mode. The available parameters change depending on the mode selected.
Compress/Expand: In Compress/Expand mode, the plug-in behaves like an audio compressor.
Value/Range: In Value/Range mode, the plug-in behaves like an audio limiter.
Add/Scale: In Add/Scale mode, the plug-in scales, adds to, or reduces the values of incoming MIDI velocity messages.
Note Range Min and Note Range Max sliders (extended parameter): Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left to open the extended parameters. Move the sliders to set an input note range. Notes that fall within the input note range are processed (default range: 1–127). Notes outside the input note range are not processed.
Note: You can cross over the Input Min and Input Max sliders, which inverts the input note range behavior: note events that fall within the range are not processed and note events outside the range have their velocities processed.
Range Learn checkbox (extended parameter): Select to turn on Learn mode, then play a (low) key on your MIDI keyboard to set the Input Min value. Play a (high) key to set the Input Max value.
Once both keys have been played, Learn mode is automatically turned off, and the Range Learn checkbox is cleared.