Use Drum Machine Designer pad controls in Logic Pro for Mac
Move your pointer over, or click, the icon or pad background of any of the 16 pads shown on each grid page to access pad parameters and to view Drum Machine Designer Kit Piece Controls in Logic Pro for Mac. Use the pad controls bar below the grid to access editing options and to navigate between pad pages.
Use the kit controls bar above the grid to view and edit kit parameters in the Smart Controls pane, when visible.

Pad parameters
Pad: Move the pointer over the pad to view Mute, Solo, Input, Output, and Action pop-up menu options. Click the speaker icon to play the sound. Drag the pad to reorder it in the grid. Double-click the pad to rename it (and the subtrack). You can also exchange the kit piece sound assigned to the pad.
Note: When you click a pad icon or pad background, the Smart Controls pane updates to show parameters specific to the sound. Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left of the grid if the Smart Controls pane is not visible.
Note: The kit icon in the kit controls bar displays a muted speaker icon when you move the pointer over it during playback. This can be used to immediately stop playback of all kit pieces. This is useful when you want to silence a long One Shot sample that you are previewing in a Quick Sampler-based kit piece, for example.
Unassigned pad: A pad without a corresponding subtrack is called an unassigned pad. You can recognize it by the missing icon, missing kit piece name and missing kit name, and by the “+” icon that appears when you move the pointer over the pad. Click the “+” icon to create a new, empty subtrack and channel strip, or click the pad and choose a kit piece in the Library. You can also drag an audio sample or a region onto the pad.
Note: In cases where you have used the Clear Pad command, the pad will have no assigned sound, but will have a corresponding subtrack, so the “+” icon is not displayed.
Mute button: Use to silence the subtrack assigned to the pad. Multiple pads can be muted.
Solo button: Use to hear the sound in isolation. This solos the subtrack. All other pads are muted, indicated by a flashing Mute button. Multiple pads can be soloed.
Input pop-up menu: Choose, or learn, an input note number for the pad. You can assign multiple pads to the same input note, allowing you to create layered sounds consisting of multiple channel strips with different instruments.
Output pop-up menu: Choose, or learn, an output note number for the pad.
Note: MIDI notes received on the main track are distributed to subtracks, according to the input and output notes assigned to the pads. This is true for notes from regions on the main track, and for notes played in real time when the main track is the focused track. For example, if the pad assigned to the first subtrack is set to input note C1 and to output note G2, a C1 played on the main track is converted to a G2. This note value is passed to the first subtrack and plays a G2 on the instrument inserted in the subtrack channel strip.
Action pop-up menu: Choose a command for the pad.
Exclusive Group: Choose a group for the pad. You can assign multiple pads to the same group. As soon as one drum sound in the group is triggered, all other sounds in that same group are stopped. For example, you could group three pads with open, semi-closed, and closed hi-hat sounds. Only one of these sounds can be played at a time, mirroring the behavior of real hi-hats.
Note: The group number is shown at the top right of each pad in the group when any group member is selected.
Open/Close Library: Open or close the Library pane. Click a patch name in the Library to exchange the assigned kit piece.
Resample Pad: Choose to initiate a resampling process. This sends the input note of the selected pad to Drum Machine Designer, which plays the assigned instrument, inclusive of all channel strip and main track plug-ins. The resulting Drum Machine Designer output is resampled, and loaded into a new Quick Sampler instance on a new channel strip and subtrack, which is automatically assigned to the first available (lowest numbered) unassigned pad.
Note: If multiple pads are assigned to the same input note, the mixed sound of all pads is resampled. This allows you to combine the sounds of multiple pads onto one pad.
Update Kit Name for this Kit Piece: Choose to apply the current kit name to the selected kit piece.
Set Output Note based on DMD Pad instruments: Choose to assign the kit piece output note according to the Root Key of the Quick Sampler or other instrument. This ensures that the sample is triggered at the original speed in Quick Sampler and at the correct pitch in other instrument sounds.
Assign Track Icon: Choose to open a window where you can choose a kit piece icon from several categories. Select a category from the list and click an icon to assign it to the kit piece.
Clear Pad: Remove the kit piece assigned to the pad. This clears the channel strip of the pad subtrack.