MIDI Transform window examples in Logic Pro for Mac
This section provides several usage examples for the MIDI Transform window in Logic Pro.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Copy selected events, then apply operations.
Selection Conditions area: Set Status to Note.
Operations area:
Set Position to Add, then enter a value of 1 in the field below it.
Set Status to Fix, then choose Control from the pop-up menu below it.
Set Pitch to Fix, then enter a value of 1 in the field below it. This means “the first data byte receives the value of 1” (the first data byte defines the controller number for controller events, and mod wheel events happen to be #1).
Note: When you convert MIDI note events to controller events, two controller events are created: one for the note on event, and one for the note off event.
Click Select and Operate.
If you analyze these settings, you’ll see that all note events are selected for operation. A copy of each is made, then moved one tick later than the original, and converted to CC#1 (mod wheel), with a value that corresponds to the velocity of the original note. This is because the second data byte (Vel) is left unaltered.
The automatic offset by one tick after each note start point and end point avoids potential conflicts with the source note events.
In Logic Pro, choose Create Initialized User Set from the Presets pop-up menu in the MIDI Transform window.
Set the Status pop-up menu in the Selection Conditions area to “=.”
Choose Note from the pop-up menu below.
Choose the Fix setting from the Velocity pop-up menu in the Operations area.
Change the amount to 127 in the field below the Velocity pop-up menu.
Choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Apply operations to selected events.
Selection Conditions area: Set Status to Note.
Operations area:
Set Status to Fix, then choose Control from the pop-up menu below it.
Set Pitch to Fix, then enter a value of 1 in the field below it.
Note: When you convert MIDI note events to controller events, two controller events are created: one for the note on event, and one for the note off event.
Click Select and Operate.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Apply operations to selected events.
Selection Conditions area: Set Status to Note.
Operations area: Set Pitch to +-Random, and set the max deviation from the root note in the field below. If you set a value of 12, you’ll achieve a deviation of one octave up and one down (two octaves, around the root note, in other words).
Click Select and Operate.
Tip: To restrict the randomness to one direction—up or down, as opposed to both—use the other Random Option, which limits the range that notes fall into.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Selection Conditions area:
Set Status to Note.
Set Position to Inside, then choose the range.
Click the Select Only button.
All notes in the defined range are selected for you to cut, move, or otherwise modify.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Delete Selected Events.
Selection Conditions area:
Set Status to Control.
Set Data Byte 1 to a value of 7.
Click Select and Operate.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Delete selected events.
Selection Conditions area: Set Status to Control.
Select the MIDI region you want to transform, then click Select and Operate.
In Logic Pro, choose the following settings in the MIDI Transform window:
Mode pop-up menu: Apply operations to selected events.
Selection Conditions area:
Set Status to Note.
Set Position to Inside, then define the range. (Cresc. only works if the Inside Position selection condition is chosen, as crescendos need start and end points.)
Operations area: Set Pitch to Cresc., then enter a value of D0 and G6 in the fields below.
Click Select and Operate.
This example assumes that a 4/4 kick, snare, hi-hat, and other percussion sounds region is being viewed in the Logic Pro Event List editor.
Click the Name column of one of the drum sounds.
All note events of a particular pitch in the region are selected.
Change the Length field to a value that does not match the Position field, or vice versa.
Repeat the steps with other drum or percussion sounds.
This can lead to interesting polyrhythms you may not have thought of.
The example illustrates the use of the same Transform operation multiple times on the same region. You can also combine different transform presets to achieve an end result, by using them one after the other.