Set channel strip pan or balance positions in Logic Pro for Mac
Instead of having instruments compete with one another in a mix, you can separate them by positioning audio and instruments in the stereo mix from left to right. Typically, you want to have the most important tracks (lead vocals, solo instruments, drums, bass) positioned in the center of the mix, and have other tracks (rhythm instruments, instruments doubling the melody) to the sides. In general, most of the mix should be close to the center, with tracks panned far to the sides only for an unusual effect.
The Pan (short for panorama) knob defines whether a track is heard from the left, right, or center of the stereo field. You can set the pan position for each track in a project. Logic Pro includes several different panning modes. The options available depend on the type of channel strip:
Pan: This is the default panning mode for mono channel strips. The panner determines the position of a signal in the stereo image. At the center pan position, the channel strip sends equal amounts of the signal to both sides of the stereo image. If you increase the pan position on the left side and decrease it on the right, the sound would move to the left.
Stereo Pan: The Stereo Pan mode is only available on stereo channel strips. Use this mode to place the position of the left and right signals individually in the stereo field, as if you had two separate pan knobs.
Balance: This is the default panning mode for stereo channel strips. It differs from Stereo Pan mode in that it controls the relative levels of two signals (Left and Right) at their outputs.
Binaural: Binaural panning is a method to simulate the full range of spatial information—angle, elevation, and distance—on the panning plane. Binaural panning is best suited for headphone playback. For more information on binaural panning, see Use the Binaural Pan knob.
Mono channel strips have a Pan knob by default. Stereo channel strips have a Balance knob by default.
Signals at the center of the stereo panorama might sound louder than those panned hard right or hard left. To compensate for this perceived increase in volume at the center position, Logic Pro offers numerous options for pan laws, or amounts of volume reduction for signals panned to the center. The Pan Law pop-up menu is in the General Audio settings.
Note: If you have changed a send to be in Independent Pan mode, the pan knob for that channel strip controls the stereo panorama to the send. The pan options above still apply to the pan knob when controlling a send. See Adjust panning for sends independently for more information about Independent Pan mode.

When a channel strip output is set to Surround, the knob is replaced by a Surround control.