On/Off switch: Turn on or turn off the pedal. The LED indicates the pedal state.
Sensitivity knob: Set a threshold that determines how the filter responds to incoming signal levels.
Cutoff knob: Set the center frequency for the filter.
BP/LP switch: BP (Bandpass): Signal frequencies just above and below the cutoff are filtered. LP (Lowpass): Only signals below the cutoff are allowed through the filter.
Hi/Lo switch: Choose a preset filter resonance setting.
Up/Down switch: Set a positive or negative modulation direction—the “wah” filtering occurs above or below the source signal frequency.
Classic Wah is a funky wah effect, straight from 1970s TV police show soundtracks. Drag vertically to control the filter cutoff frequency. The orange LEDs indicate the footpedal position.
On/Off switch: Turn on or turn off the pedal. The red LED indicates the pedal state.
Graphic EQ is a classic 7-band EQ pedal.
On/Off switch: Turn on or turn off the pedal. The LED indicates the pedal state.
Frequency sliders: Drag vertically to boost or cut the corresponding frequency band.
Level slider: Set the overall output gain.
Modern Wah is a more aggressive wah effect than Classic Wah. Drag vertically to control the filter cutoff frequency. The orange LEDs indicate the footpedal position.
On/Off switch: Turn on or turn off the pedal. The red LED indicates the pedal state.
Q knob: Low Q values affect a wider frequency range, resulting in softer resonances. High Q values affect a narrower frequency range, resulting in more pronounced emphasis.
Mode knob: Choose a Wah type or control Volume. Each Wah type has a different tonal quality.