Logic Pro for Mac Live Loops overview
Live Loops lets you arrange and play with musical ideas in real time in a grid of cells, each containing a musical phrase or loop. You can start and stop cells freely while keeping everything in sync with the beat and the project tempo. Each grid row uses the same signal routing and channel strip settings as the adjacent track in the Tracks area. Cells in grid columns, called scenes, can be triggered together to act as musical sections. An extensive set of parameters gives you full control over playback, recording, and looping, so you can spontaneously take your music in new directions.
To the right of the Live Loops grid, the Divider column separates the grid from the Tracks area. Buttons in the Divider column show the status of playing or queued cells in each track. You can use the buttons to pause, start, or stop cells individually or all at once. You can also use the Divider column to switch playback between cells and regions on individual or multiple tracks. See How the Live Loops grid and Tracks area interact.
Live Loops is designed for use with the Remix FX plug-in, a multi-effect featuring several realtime DJ-style effects. You can also use a control surface or Logic Remote to control Live Loops, helping enhance your creative flow and achieve greater flexibility and precision.
You can record to both audio and software instrument cells, add regions or Apple Loops to the Live Loops grid, and record a Live Loops performance as regions to the Tracks area. Logic Pro provides Live Loops grids containing instruments and prerecorded cells to help you get started.