Automation in the Logic Pro for Mac Audio Track Editor
You can create and edit automation data directly in the Audio Track Editor. To learn more about using Automation, see Overview of automation.
Show automation in the Audio Track Editor
In the Logic Pro Audio Track Editor, click the Show/Hide Automation button
in the Audio Track Editor menu bar.
An Automation button, an Automation Parameter pop-up menu, and an Automation Mode pop-up menu appear at the bottom of the Audio Track Editor inspector. The colors of the text and background of the selected Automation Mode pop-up menu item display the current state of automation and if there is automation data present:
White text on a gray background = automation is off
Dark green text on a gray background = automation is on but there is no existing automation data to display
Bright green text on a green background = automation is on and there is existing automation data to display
Any existing automation is displayed in the Automation Lane under the main editor window.