Create relative volume and pan automation in Logic Pro for iPad
Volume and Pan controls on a track have two automation parameters, Absolute and Relative (±), that you can choose from the Automation Parameter pop-up menu. They represent two separate automation curves that together produce the combined automation result for that control.

Absolute automation curve
The absolute automation curve is the default automation that determines the value changes for the volume or pan parameter over time.
Relative automation curve
The relative automation curve is available as a separate option in the Automation Parameter pop-up menu as “Volume (±)” and “Pan (±).” When selected, it displays its own automation curve. By default, its value is 0, which means it has no effect on the absolute parameter. You can add automation points and edit them the same way as any other automation points. This relative curve then functions as an offset for the corresponding absolute automation curve.
If you’ve created a complex curve to automate the volume of a vocal track, you can create a relative automation curve—for example, a straight line at –3 dB. The result will be the movement of the absolute curve, played back 3 dB lower. Or you can create a fade-out with the relative curve while maintaining the absolute automation curve you might have created for the volume parameter.
Note: Relative volume and pan automation can only be created by adding those points manually. Writing automation in real time will always create absolute volume and pan automation.
Absolute volume and pan parameters, when selected, are displayed in the track header as Volume and Pan, and relative volume and pan parameters are displayed as “± Volume” and “± Pan.”

Add and edit relative automation
Tap the Automation View button
in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu and choose one of the following:
Main > Volume > Volume (±)
Main > Pan > Pan (±)
Add new automation points or edit existing ones for the relative parameter using the same procedures as for absolute parameters.
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