You can sort the rows in a Step Sequencer pattern (region or cell) in several ways, including by row type, note assignment, row name, or a combination of several of these. For patterns using Drum Machine Designer patches, you can also sort by the order in which the subtracks appear in the Tracks area. When sorting, you can choose to display rows in either ascending or descending order.
In addition to reorganizing rows in the pattern, the sort options determine where rows created using Learn (Add), live pattern recording, or step recording are added to the pattern. The selected sort order is maintained until you manually move a row from the sort order.
In Logic Pro, tap the More button
in the Step Sequencer menu bar, tap Sort Rows, then tap Row Sort Type and choose one of the following from the submenu:
By Type: Sorts rows by type without changing the current order within each type. Types are ordered as follows: notes, Melodic, MIDI CC, pitchbend, channel pressure, channel strip parameters, plug-in parameters.
By Type and Note: Sorts all rows by type and then sorts note rows by their note assignment. If you use this option with a pattern region or cell using a Drum Machine Designer patch, Step Sequencer references the input note for the drum pad when sorting the row.
By Type and Name: Sorts all rows by type and then by row name. The row name is the name displayed on the row header. By default, this is the row assignment unless you have created a custom row name.
By Type and DMD Subtrack: Sorts all rows by type and then sorts rows for Drum Machine Designer subtracks by the order in which the subtracks appear in the Tracks area.
To determine the sort direction regardless of which of the above options is selected, tap the More button in the Step Sequencer menu bar, tap Sort Rows, then tap Row Sort Direction and choose Ascending or Descending.