Comp your audio recordings
You can create composite recordings in Logic Pro for iPad by recording over specific parts of an audio region. The part you record over is combined with the rest of the previously recorded material to create a comp. For information about how to record audio, see Record live audio.
Create a comp
In Logic Pro, tap the header of the audio track you want to record to.
Position the playhead at the point in the ruler where you want to start recording.
Set the cycle area in the ruler if you want to record several takes in quick succession.
Set the metronome
and set a count-in
for recording if you want.
Tap the Record button
in the control bar to start recording.
Recording starts at the playhead position.
Tap the Stop button
in the control bar to stop recording.
A take folder containing the comp is created on the track (if you haven’t previously recorded multiple takes), and comp operations are now available in the Takes and Folders submenu.
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