You can add regions or loops to cells in the Live Loops grid, as long as the region or loop matches the track type for the track containing the cell. For example, you can add audio regions to cells on audio tracks, and MIDI, pattern, and Session Player regions to cells on software instrument tracks.
You can convert Session Player and pattern cells to MIDI cells to allow for precise editing not available in the Session Player Editor or Step Sequencer. You can also extract loops from audio cells, with optimal loop start and end points set by Logic Pro.
In addition to adding regions to cells, you can record to Live Loops cells, and record a Live Loops performance as regions to the Tracks area. You can also copy cells to the Tracks area, as well as copy and paste entire scenes to the playhead position in the Tracks area. When copying cells to the Tracks area, take care to match the track type to the cell type (for example, you can paste audio cells only to audio tracks).
When you add an audio file without tempo information to a cell, Logic Pro analyzes the tempo of the audio file.
If you plan to record audio without a constant tempo to a cell, it is recommended that you record the audio to an audio track in the Tracks area using the Smart Tempo functions in Logic Pro. Once the audio region is tagged with correct tempo information, you can add the region to an audio cell and have it play at a constant tempo.
If you want to import files into Live Loops, you can drag them into Logic Pro from the Files app in Slide Over. See Import media into Logic Pro for iPad.
Working with Session Player regions and cells
Session Player cells behave in much the same way as Session Player regions in the Tracks area. The main difference is that Session Player cells follow only region chords in the cell.
When you copy Session Player regions from the Tracks area to the Live Loops grid, the source of the chords in the resulting Session Player cell is determined by the Pitch Source parameter in the Region inspector. For example, if the Pitch Source parameter for a Session Player region is set to Chord Track and you drag that region to the Live Loops grid, the chords from the Chord track are added to the resulting Session Player cell.
You can also change the pitch source of a Session Player region by choosing Follow Global Chord Track or Follow Region Chords in Chords view in the Session Player Editor. See The Session Player Editor and Intro to chords.
In Logic Pro, tap the Browser button , then tap Loops.
Do any of the following:
Touch and hold a loop, then drag it to a cell in the Live Loops grid.
Tap a loop to select it, drag the patch slowly to the left, then tap the Add button .
The loop is added to the first empty cell on the selected track.
Tap a loop to select it, drag the patch slowly to the left, then tap the Replace button .
The loop replaces the selected cell in the Live Loops grid. If multiple cells are selected, the first cell is replaced.
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, select one or more regions.
If you selected multiple regions, make sure the Multiple Select button is off before going to the next step.
Tap one of the selected regions, tap Edit, then tap Copy Regions to Live Loops Scene.
The regions are copied to a new scene in the Live Loops grid.
You can create a new track when you drag items (for example, cells, Apple Loops, or files from the Files app) to the Live Loops grid.
Drag the items to the empty area below the Live Loops grid.
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, select one or more regions.
If you selected multiple regions, make sure the Multiple Select button is off before going to the next step.
Tap any of the selected regions, then tap Copy in the menu.
Tap the Grid View button to view the Live Loops grid.
Tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, select a cell where you want to paste the regions, tap the cell again, then tap Paste in the menu.
If you copy one region, you can paste it only to a cell on a track of the same type. If you copy multiple regions, you can paste them only to cells on the same tracks where the original regions are located.
In Logic Pro, turn on Cycle mode in the Tracks area, then set the left and right locators to the desired position.
Tap the More button in the Tracks area menu bar, then tap Copy Section to Live Loops Scene.
Tap the More button in the Tracks area menu bar, then tap Copy Section to Live Loops Scene.
You can convert Session Player cells and pattern cells to MIDI cells, either to edit individual notes of a Session Player performance or to perform edits not possible in Step Sequencer.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, select the Session Player or pattern cell you want to convert, then tap it again.
Tap Convert in the menu, then tap Convert to MIDI Cell.
Logic Pro can analyze the musical and sonic characteristics of a longer audio file in an audio cell and extract the best-sounding loops to empty cells (up to 10) on the same track. You can choose the length of loops you want to extract, or let Logic Pro extract the best loops of any size.
Logic Pro examines only the detected downbeat positions for potential loop start points. However, you can always manually change the resulting loop points, if necessary.
To work effectively, loop extraction requires audio containing repetitions and accurate tempo information.
The loop extraction algorithm looks for loop points that deliver a smooth transition from loop end to loop start. Those loop points may not necessarily coincide with the musical structure of the analyzed audio.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, double-tap an audio cell, then choose any of the following from the Extract Loops submenu:
Set Optimal Full Loop: Extracts the longest loop within the selected cell.
Extract Best 2-Bar Loops: Determines the best two-bar loops and copies them to the next empty cells to the right.
Extract Best 4-Bar Loops: Determines the best four-bar loops and copies them to the next empty cells to the right.
Extract Best 8-Bar Loops: Determines the best eight-bar loops and copies them to the next empty cells to the right.
Extract Best Loops of Any Size: Determines the best loops of any size throughout the audio file and copies them to the next empty cells to the right.
Loop extraction is disabled if:
The cell is empty or contains multiple regions.
The region in the cell is shorter than two bars.
Flex & Follow in the Cell inspector is turned off.
The cell contains Apple Loops.
Multiple cells are selected.
You can create new cells and then edit them in the Cell Editor or record audio and MIDI. Software instrument tracks can contain MIDI, Session Player, and pattern cells.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, then do any of the following:
To create an audio cell: Double-tap an empty cell on an audio track, then choose Create Cell.
To create a MIDI cell: Double-tap an empty cell on a software instrument track, then choose Create MIDI Cell.
To create a pattern cell: Double-tap an empty cell on a software instrument track, then choose Create Pattern Cell.
To create a Session Player cell: Double-tap an empty cell on a software instrument track, then choose Create Session Player Cell.
You can copy cells in the Live Loops grid and paste them as regions to the Tracks area.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, select a cell, tap it again, then choose Copy from the menu.
Tap the Tracks View button to view the Tracks area.
Drag the playhead to the position where you want the pasted region to start.
Tap the track lane of the track where you want to paste the cell, then tap Paste at Playhead.
If a track already contains a region at the position where you paste the cell, it is replaced or overlapped with the resulting new region.
In the Tracks area in Logic Pro, drag the playhead to the position where you want to paste cells in the scene as regions.
Tap the Grid View button to view the Live Loops grid.
In the Live Loops grid, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, double-tap the scene trigger of the scene you want to copy, then choose one of the following from the menu:
Insert Scene at Playhead: Shifts the content of all tracks right of the playhead by the length of the inserted scene.
Copy Scene to Playhead: Copies the scene as regions to the playhead position.
WARNING: When you copy a scene to the playhead position, any existing regions are overwritten or overlapped.
You can split an audio cell containing mixed audio, such as a band recording, into separate stems. You can extract stems for vocals, bass, drums, and other instrumental parts.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button in the Live Loops menu bar, select an audio cell, tap it again, then tap Stem Splitter.
In the Stem Splitter window, all four stems (Vocals, Drums, Bass, and Other) are selected by default. Deselect the checkboxes for any stems you do not want to extract.
Tap Split.
A summing stack is created below the track with the selected audio cell. The subtracks of the summing stack contain cells with the extracted stems. You can solo individual stems using the Solo buttons in the subtrack headers, and you can move, copy, or edit each part in the same way as any audio cell.