Best practices for working with projects from Logic Pro for Mac
You can open and edit projects in Logic Pro for iPad that were created in Logic Pro for Mac. There are best practices to be aware of when sharing projects from Logic Pro for Mac to Logic Pro for iPad.
You can consolidate your project in Logic Pro for Mac, which combines the assets used and copies them into the project. This helps you avoid attempting to load projects with missing files.
Tip: If you want to regularly exchange projects or work on a project on another device, all assets and files used in a project need to be available for the project to open correctly. So before sharing to your iPad, be sure to save all assets into your project in Logic Pro for Mac. To do this, make sure you select all checkboxes for “Copy the following files into your project” when saving your project in Logic Pro for Mac.
Depending on what content is used in your project, Logic Pro for iPad might ask you to download the relevant content packs if they are not already installed.
If your project in Logic Pro for Mac uses Audio Units plug-ins or Audio Unit Extensions that are not installed as Audio Unit Extensions on your iPad, you can bounce or freeze any tracks that use these before you share and open the project in Logic Pro for iPad. This is also true for tracks using Drummer multi-channel kits. For more information about Audio Unit Extensions, see Work with Audio Unit Extensions.
Tip: For Audio Unit instruments, you can also use Auto Sampler in Logic Pro for Mac to create a sampler instrument that you can play in Logic Pro for iPad.
Some instruments and effects featured in Logic Pro for Mac are not included in Logic Pro for iPad. You can still load projects in Logic Pro for iPad that use these plug-ins; however, you can’t edit their parameters.
Projects created in Logic Pro for Mac with any of the following features can’t be opened in Logic Pro for iPad (in such cases, a dialog appears telling you which features are present when trying to load the project):
Surround and spatial audio
Binaural panning
Projects saved in folders (not as packages)
Sample rates greater than 96 kHz
Drummer multi-channel kits
Projects in which the primary ruler is set to time instead of bars and beats
Projects starting at a position other than 1 1 1 1
Arrange folders (with multiple tracks)
External MIDI tracks
No output tracks
For more information about the individual features and how to remove them, see the Share projects chapter in the Logic Pro for Mac User Guide.
Note: Projects created and last saved in Logic Pro for Mac version 9 or earlier (with the filename extension .logic) don’t appear in the Projects Browser in Logic Pro for iPad and can’t be opened.
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