You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa.
When you move a region, it snaps to the nearest position on the Tracks area grid, using the current Snap value. You can change the Snap value, or turn off Snap to Grid in order to position items freely in the Tracks area.
In Logic Pro, from the middle part of the region, drag the region to a new position.
In Logic Pro, tap a region to select it.
Tap the region again, tap Move, then tap Move to Playhead Position.
In Logic Pro, select the region.
Tap the Inspector button to open the inspector.
Tap the Details disclosure triangle if needed to show Details region parameters.
In the Details section are Position and Length values that determine the start point and length of the selected region.
To edit the region start point, do one of the following:
Drag the Position value up or down to edit the start position.
Tap a Position value, then edit the value in the numeric input dialog using the Decrement/Increment buttons, the scroll wheel, or the numeric keypad.