Retro Synth LFO and Vibrato in Logic Pro for iPad
The Retro Synth LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) is a multiwaveform, polyphonic modulation generator that modulates each voice, or note you play, individually. It can be used as a source for multiple modulation targets.

Retro Synth also provides a dedicated Vibrato LFO for pitch modulation.

Although they are oscillators, LFOs are not audible—but their effects can certainly be heard. The sole purpose of an LFO is to modulate other sound generating elements of the synthesizer.
LFO/Vibrato parameters
LFO/Vibrato Wave pop-up menus: Choose an LFO or Vibrato waveform.
The sawtooth waves are suitable for bubbling, rhythmic effects.
The triangle wave is suitable for vibrato and other evenly-modulated effects.
The rectangular waves switch between two values, which is useful for stepping the oscillator pitch by a fifth, for example.
LFO/Vibrato Rate knobs and fields: Independently set the maximum LFO or Vibrato speed.
LFO/Vibrato Sync buttons: Turn on to synchronize the modulation speed with the host tempo. Turn off to control the modulation speed manually.
LFO Via Amount knob and field: Set the maximum LFO modulation amount. This parameter is controlled with the MIDI controller chosen in the LFO Via Source pop-up menu.
LFO Via Source pop-up menu: Choose your MIDI keyboard Mod Wheel, Aftertouch, or Modwheel + Aftertouch as the control source for the LFO amount level.
Vibrato Via Amount knob and field: Set the maximum vibrato amount. This parameter is controlled with the MIDI controller chosen in the Vibrato Via Source pop-up menu.
Vibrato Via Source pop-up menu: Choose your MIDI keyboard Mod Wheel, Aftertouch, or Modwheel + Aftertouch as the control source for the vibrato amount level.
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