The Fader lets you easily access channel strip controls for the selected track without having to open the Mixer. This can be useful during recording and when you’re arranging in the Tracks area.
The available controls include a Volume fader, a Pan/Balance knob, Mute and Solo buttons, and a Record Enable button (when an audio track is selected). An Options button above the controls lets you access audio routing and other options for the track.
You can show a second Fader to the right of the track Fader. Using the second Fader, you can access the output channel for the track, a send on the track, or the aux track for a Drum Machine Designer track stack.

Options button: Tap to view and edit audio input and output options for the track, its Freeze and Solo Safe status, and its group membership.
Record Enable button: Tap to enable the track for recording (on audio tracks only).
Solo button: Tap to solo or unsolo the track.
Mute button: Tap to mute or unmute the track.
Pan/Balance knob: Swipe up or down to adjust the track pan position in the stereo field.
Peak level display: Shows the highest level reached by the track during playback.
Volume fader: Drag the handle up or down to adjust the track volume level.
Show the Fader
Tap the Fader button
on the left side of the view control bar.
For information about working with the Fader, see Access mixing functions using the Fader.
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