Arpeggiator MIDI plug-in main parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
You can use the main parameters to start and stop the Arpeggiator, and to set the rate and scale. You can also capture a live arpeggio as a MIDI region.

Main parameters
Playback button: Start or stop arpeggiated playback of note input from a MIDI keyboard or a MIDI region. The Playback button is highlighted when in play mode. When the Arpeggiator plug-in is stopped, incoming MIDI notes are passed through, and the settings of the split and remote keyboard parameters are retained. See keyboard parameters and Assign Arpeggiator controllers.
When Logic Pro is in play mode: The arpeggio starts playing whenever the Playback button is on. Arpeggio playback is linked to the project song position.
When Logic Pro is stopped: Arpeggio playback stops. Incoming MIDI notes are passed through, and keyboard split and remote settings are retained.
Note: You can tap the Arpeggiator Playback button while Logic Pro is stopped to begin arpeggio playback from the first step in the arpeggio.
Silent Capture button: Tap to capture an arpeggio step by step without being disturbed by the immediate response of the running arpeggiator.
When enabled, the arpeggiator is stopped and Latch/Add mode is engaged.
When disabled, the Playback button is re-engaged (if previously active) and Latch mode switches to Transpose.
Input Snap pop-up menu: Choose a beat value to snap the first incoming note to a position, thus quantizing the arpeggio start point.
The default Input Snap pop-up menu value is “Link to Rate,” which matches the set Arpeggiator Rate.
Rate control and field: Set the arpeggiator rate. Choose from: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 (including Triplet and Dotted notes), and 1/32.
Double/Halve Rate buttons: Tap to double or halve the value set with the Rate knob.
Scale Type pop-up menu: Choose a scale. Played keys are snapped to the nearest note in the chosen scale. Choose from: Chromatic (default), Major, Major Pentatonic, Major Blues, Lydian, Mixolydian, Klezmer, Minor Pentatonic, Minor Blues, Japanese, Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor, Dorian, Phrygian, Locrian, and South-East Asian.
Note pop-up menu: Choose a root key for the chosen scale. C is the default key.
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