Phat FX global controls in Logic Pro for iPad
The Phat FX global controls include the Effects order strip, which you can use to enable or disable individual effects and to reposition effects within the effects chain. The XY pad provides real-time control of up to four target parameters. The Master section parameters provide global input, output, and mix level control.
Effects order strip
The order and status of active and inactive effects units are indicated in the strip. Inactive effects are dimmed, and active effects are illuminated. The signal flow runs from left to right.
Tap an effect name to enable or disable it.

Effects order strip: Drag the name of an active (lit) or inactive (dimmed) effect horizontally to change the effects order.
XY pad parameters
The XY pad provides real-time control of up to four target parameters. Drag the gray control point to simultaneously modulate your targets.

XY pad: Drag the gray control point horizontally or vertically to change the value of the assigned X or Y target parameters.
X and Y Assign On/Off buttons: Enable/disable the X or Y controller. You can assign two targets to each axis, for a total of four modulations with the XY pad.
X Target 1/2 pop-up menus: Choose one or two modulation targets from any active effect processor, modulation source, or the master control section.
X Depth 1/2 fields: Drag vertically to set the modulation amount/range for the chosen X target(s).
Y Target 1/2 pop-up menus: Choose one or two modulation targets from any active effect processor, modulation source, or the master control section.
Y Depth 1/2 fields: Drag vertically to set the modulation amount/range for the chosen Y target(s).
Master controls

Input Gain knob and field: Set the overall input level of the plug-in.
Output knob and field: Set the overall output level of the plug-in.
Mix knob and field: Set the level of the original versus processed signal. This is essentially a wet/dry balance control.
Limiter pop-up menu: Choose soft or hard limiting, or turn off limiting.
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