The Mixer shows the channel strips for the tracks in your project, including auxiliary and output channel strips and the master channel strip. This makes it easy to view and adjust relative levels and pan positions and perform other mixing functions. You can mute and solo tracks, add and edit effects, use busses and sends to control the signal flow, and use groups to control multiple channel strips together.

You work in the Mixer using the following two modes:
Setup mode: You can quickly add, replace, reorder, and remove plug-ins on the channel strips in the project.
Mix mode: You can open plug-ins in Details view to view and adjust all plug-in parameters, and quickly turn plug-ins on or off to hear how they affect the mix.
Channel strips in the Mixer include the following controls:
Plug-in slots: Add, replace, and remove effect plug-ins; on instrument channel strips, also replace the instrument plug-in.
Send slots: Add sends and adjust the send level.
Pan/Balance knob: Swipe up or down to adjust the pan position of the channel.
Volume fader: Drag the handle up or down to adjust the volume level of the channel.
Mute button: Tap to mute or unmute the channel strip.
Solo button: Tap to solo or unsolo the channel strip.
Channel name and number: Shows the name and number of the track corresponding to the channel strip.
Open the Mixer
Tap the Mixer button
in the middle of the view control bar.
For information about working in the Mixer, see Intro to mixing.
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