Delay region playback
You can shift the playback offset of regions on a track using the Delay parameter. Positive values shift regions forward in time (laid-back playing style or dragging), while negative values shift regions back in time for a pre-delay (driving or rushing the music). The Delay value is shown in ticks.
Some MIDI instruments may have a slow response time. In this case, you might want to move the region slightly ahead of the beat for notes to sound in time. Instead of moving regions or individual note events, you can apply a small amount of pre-delay using the Delay parameter.
Shift the playback offset of selected regions
In Logic Pro, select the regions.
Tap the Inspector button
to open the inspector.
Tap the General disclosure triangle if needed to show General region parameters.
To edit the Delay parameter, do one of the following:
Drag the Delay value up or down to edit the delay in ticks.
Tap the Delay value, then edit the value (in ticks) in the Delay window using the Value Up/Value down buttons or the scroll wheel.
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