Alchemy note property modulators in Logic Pro for Mac
Modulation components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view.
Several properties of incoming MIDI note data, as well as values generated per-note by Alchemy, are available as modulation sources.
Note: There is no Note Property control panel display.
Set note properties as modulators
In Alchemy in Logic Pro, click a slot in the modulation rack, then choose Note Property from the pop-up menu.
Choose one of the following options from the submenu:
Velocity: Modulation based on the velocity values of incoming MIDI note data.
KeyFollow: Modulation based on incoming MIDI note numbers. The modulation value glides to the value of higher-pitched notes. The Glide value is determined by the Glide parameter in the master voice section. See Alchemy master voice section in Logic Pro for Mac.
KeyFollowFixed: As per KeyFollow, but the modulation value increases as you play higher pitches on your MIDI keyboard. This is a bipolar source, with C3 corresponding to zero.
Aftertouch: Modulation based on channel or polyphonic aftertouch data.
Speed: Modulation based on the elapsed time between notes. A progressively slower sequence of notes results in progressively greater modulation values.
Held: A modulation signal that rises to full-scale immediately at note-on and falls to zero immediately at note-off.
FlipFlop: A modulation signal that is alternately full-scale and zero on successive notes.
FlipFlop2: Like FlipFlop, but the value reverses every two notes: zero, zero, full, full, in a repeating pattern.
Note: The FlipFlop modulators can be used together to create a round robin involving all four sources. To do this, set Morph mode to Morph XY or XFade XY, set the Morph X and Y knobs to 0%, then modulate X with FlipFlop and Y with FlipFlop2 or vice versa. See Alchemy morph controls in Logic Pro for Mac.
SteppedA2/3/4: SteppedA4 behaves like Stepped4, except it resynchronizes to zero when the Arp is at the start of a pattern. SteppedA2 behaves like FlipFlop, except it resynchronizes to zero when the Arp is at the start of a pattern. SteppedA3 is similar to Stepped4, except with three steps.
Stepped4/8/16: Similar to FlipFlop, but cycles between the number of values (4, 8, or 16) at each subsequent note-on. Steps are spaced at equal increments, starting from a value of zero. If you need further control, you can use a ModMap to define values for each step. See Alchemy ModMap in Logic Pro for Mac.
Random1-4: Modulation based on a fixed random value per note. This is a unipolar source with values ranging from zero through full-scale. The four random sources are independent of each other.
PitchBend: Modulation based on MIDI pitch-bend messages. This is a bipolar source with values ranging from negative full-scale through positive full-scale.
Max: Modulation based on a constant full-scale value.
Polyphony: A modulation signal that is larger when there are more notes playing and smaller when there are fewer notes playing. Technically, the current number of played notes is divided by the total polyphony. This parameter may be useful for reducing volume when lots of notes are played. Polyphony is determined by the Num parameter in the master voice section. See Alchemy master voice section in Logic Pro for Mac.
ArpMod A/B/C/D 1-2: Assign parameters for arpeggiator control.
The assigned parameters are controlled by the arpeggiator. The Poly Mod 1 and Poly Mod 2 pop-up menu assignments in the arpeggiator correspond to these parameters. When the arpeggiator is in All mode (denoted by the A), one arpeggiator is used for all sources. When you use multiple arpeggiators to control individual sources, Poly Mod options A/B/C/D are shown in the Note Properties pop-up menu. See Alchemy arpeggiator sequencer in Logic Pro for Mac.