Use Lane Sets in the Step Editor in Logic Pro for Mac
You can store a combination of lanes as a Lane Set. When a Lane Set is saved, the vertical zoom setting of the Step Editor is stored. You can save as many Lane Sets as required in each project.
The Lane Set functions let you limit the Step Editor display to only the required MIDI event types. For example, imagine you have recorded a synthesizer lead MIDI region. You could create a Lane Set that contains individual lanes for each note pitch in the region. Drag each note event step vertically to adjust its level. Within the same Lane Set, you could create two more lanes to control the lead synthesizer’s filter cutoff and resonance parameters, allowing you to create or precisely edit filter changes.

The Step Editor provides two default Lane Sets: MIDI Controls and GM Drum Kit.
MIDI Controls: Provides lanes for Volume, Pan, Modulation, and several other commonly used controller types.
GM Drum Kit: Provides lanes that match the note names of the General MIDI (GM) drum map. This option lets you draw note events (steps) for drum parts, and is similar to the use of pattern-based drum machines, where each beat is manually entered on a grid. You can use this Lane Set for any instrument type.
If you leave the Lane Set pop-up menu set to Automatic, lanes are automatically added for each kind of event in the MIDI region.