Use the Bass Amp Designer D.I. box in Logic Pro for Mac
The D.I. box is modeled on a highly regarded American D.I. unit.

D.I. box parameters
Boost knob: Set the input gain of the D.I. box.
HF Cut button: Turn on a highpass filter. This is used to reduce noise.
Tone knob: Set the tonal color of the D.I. box. Each number represents a preset EQ curve.
1: An EQ curve with a -6 dB scoop from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, most pronounced around 800 Hz. Suitable for acoustic and string instruments, electric bass, and keyboards.
2: An EQ curve with a very pronounced -24 dB v-shaped notch from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, centered around 800 Hz. Suitable for electric bass guitar.
3: An EQ curve with a -3 dB scoop from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, most pronounced around 800 to 1200 Hz. Suitable for acoustics, strings, electric and bass guitar, and keyboards.
4: An EQ curve with a -3 dB scoop from 1 kHz to 10 kHz, most pronounced around 8 kHz. Frequencies between 60 Hz and 1 kHz have a slight boost of 1 or 2 dB above unity. Frequencies above 10 kHz have a +3 dB boost. Suitable for acoustics, strings, electric and bass guitars, and keyboards.
5: A sloped EQ curve that ramps up from -24 dB at 10 Hz to + 3 dB at around 900 Hz. Suitable for acoustic and electric guitar.
6: A sloped EQ curve that ramps up from -24 dB at 10 Hz to +3 dB at around 900 Hz. The signal rolls off by approximately 6 dB between 10 and 20 kHz. Suitable for electric and bass guitar.
Tone on/off button: Turn on the tone control.
Amp button: View the Amp interface and parameters.
Blend slider: Drag to hear the D.I. box alone or in parallel with the amplifier.
Direct Box button: View the Direct Box interface and parameters.