EVOC 20 TrackOscillator interface in Logic Pro for Mac
EVOC 20 TrackOscillator is divided into a number of parameter sections.

Analysis In parameters: Determine how the input signal is analyzed and used by the analysis filter bank. See Analysis In controls.
U/V Detection parameters: Detect the unvoiced portions of the sound in the analysis signal, improving speech intelligibility. See EVOC 20 TrackOscillator U/V detection controls.
Synthesis In parameters: Determine how the input signal is used by the synthesis filter bank. See Synthesis In controls.
Tracking Oscillator parameters: Determine how the analysis input signal is used by the oscillator. See EVOC 20 TrackOscillator oscillator controls.
Formant Filter parameters: Configure the analysis and synthesis filter banks. See EVOC 20 TrackOscillator formant filter.
LFO parameters: Modulate either the oscillator pitch or the Formant Shift parameter. See EVOC 20 TrackOscillator modulation.
Output parameters: Configure the output signal of the EVOC 20 TrackOscillator. See EVOC 20 TrackOscillator output controls.