General View settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, General View settings are available.

Appearance pop-up menu: Choose whether the color scheme for Logic Pro settings, system dialogs, and other system-related windows is based on the system setting, shown in a dark appearance, or shown in a light appearance.
Large local window menus checkbox: When selected, local menu items are displayed in a larger font.
Large inspectors checkbox: When selected, inspector settings are displayed in a larger font.
Wide playhead checkbox: When selected, a thicker playhead is used in all windows.
Show help tags checkbox: When selected, help tags appear when you move the pointer over interface elements and tools. When editing, the function name, region or event name or number, position, and parameter values are shown.
Show beats and time in help tags checkbox: When selected, help tags display both position values, bars/beats and time.
Show default values checkbox: When selected, default parameter values are displayed in help tags. This makes it easier to determine the amount of variance from the default value.
Show animations checkbox: When selected, various windows and functions open with animations. If you find the animations distracting, deselect the checkbox.
Display Middle C As pop-up menu: Affects the description of notes in the editors. The bottom C on a five-octave keyboard (note # 36) is labeled C1, and middle C (note # 60) is labeled C3. According to this standard, the lowest MIDI note (note # 0) is called C–2. This is the official standard used by most manufacturers. Use of the C3 (Yamaha) setting sets Logic Pro for Mac to this standard mode. If you select the C4 (Roland) setting, the bottom C on a five-octave keyboard is labeled C2, and middle C is labeled as C4. In this standard, the lowest MIDI note is C–1.
Display Time As pop-up menu: Use to customize how absolute time is displayed in the Time display in the control bar and other areas.
Zeros as spaces checkbox: Displays zeros in the time display as blank spaces.
Display Tempo As pop-up menu: Use to customize the Tempo display in the control bar.
Clock Format pop-up menu: Use to customize how musical time (bars, beats, divisions, and ticks) is displayed in the Beats display in the control bar and other areas.
Note: The default value for beat divisions is the 16th note, which means 1 beat has 16 divisions. You can change the division value by editing the Division field in the Custom LCD of the control bar.
Display MIDI Data As pop-up menu: Choose with what resolution MIDI data is displayed in various editors and help tags. The second and third options provide higher data resolutions introduced with MIDI 2.0—16-bit for velocity and 32-bit for pitch bend, aftertouch, and continuous controllers.
MIDI 1.0: Values are shown in a 7-bit range from 0 to 127 as in previous versions (based on the MIDI 1.0 standard).
0.0 - 127.9: The value before the decimal separator maps to the MIDI 1.0 value. The decimals represent the resolution of the additional bits.
Percent: Values are represented as percentages from 0% to 100% with varying decimals, depending on the parameter.
Higher-resolution values for note velocity, release velocity, continuous controller, aftertouch, polyphonic aftertouch, and pitch bend can be displayed in the following areas:
Event List. See Edit Event List events.
Event Float window. See Use the Event Float window.
Help tag for note events in the Piano Roll Editor and Score Editor. See Edit the velocity of notes using the pointer.
Velocity slider in the Piano Roll Editor local inspector. See Edit velocity in the Piano Roll Editor.
Velocity slider in the Score Editor local inspector. See Change velocity in the Score Editor.
Note: Settings other than “MIDI 1.0” are only recommended if you’re using MIDI 2.0–compatible devices and plug-ins that can take advantage of the higher data resolution.