Control surface use tips in Logic Pro for Mac
You may find that using control surfaces changes the way you use Logic Pro for Mac. Slight changes to your working methods can help you use control surfaces more effectively. The following hints may streamline your control surface workflow.
Customize your templates
Set up screensets 1–7 as your most frequently used screensets. You can access these directly on some control surfaces. On a Mackie Control, for example, you can access them with function keys F1 to F7, while function key 8 (F8) closes the topmost window.
Assign a full-screen Tracks window, with track automation view set to On (for all tracks), as one of your screensets.
Assign a full-screen Mixer window as another screenset.
Make use of markers
Markers allow you to quickly navigate from location to location in a project. Most control surfaces feature a number of marker shortcuts which is an effective way to move between positions in your projects.
Markers are also useful for creating or selecting cycle areas and a number of other tasks, such as punch and replace recording.
If you tend to follow a particular song structure or like to work with a certain number of bars (4, 8, 16 bars, and so on) for verse and chorus sections, set up a number of markers at suitable locations in your project templates.