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You can edit the filter curve in the EQ Curve display by adjusting the various points shown in each band. As you drag a point, the current value is shown, allowing precise changes.
In Logic Pro, do any of the following:
Drag horizontally to shift the peak frequency for the band (over the entire spectrum).
Drag vertically to adjust the gain of the band.
Hold down Shift, then drag vertically to adjust the Q Factor.
While clicking, press Option to reset the gain to 0 dB.
Press Option to reset all changes you have made to the curve.
The colors and modes of the dB scales on the left and right of the display are automatically adapted to the active function. If the Analyzer is active, the left scale displays the average spectrum in the signal, while the right scale serves as a reference for the peak values of the Analyzer. A dynamic range of 60 dB is shown by default. If this is not precise enough for your edits, you can increase the range.
In Logic Pro, drag either scale to set values of up to +20 dB and −100 dB.
In Logic Pro, drag either scale to adjust the overall gain of the filter curve from −30 to +30 dB.
The left scale—and the right, if the Analyzer is inactive—shows the dB values for the filter curve.