Logic Pro includes a shortcut that makes it easy to assign a series of controllers to a series of similar parameters. For example, you can use this shortcut to assign a series of faders to volume; to assign a series of knobs or switches to other channel strip parameters such as pan, solo, or mute; or to assign a series of controllers to a set of plug-in parameters.
In the Logic Pro Mixer, or in any plug-in window, select a parameter.
Choose Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Learn Assignment for [parameter name].
Alternatively, you can use the Learn new Controller Assignment key command to open the Controller Assignments window, and activate Learn mode.
The Controller Assignments window opens in Easy view, with the Learn Mode button activated. In most cases, the name of the selected parameter is shown in the Parameter field.
Assign the first controller in the series to the first parameter. For example, assign fader 1 to control volume for channel strip 1.
Assign the last controller in the series to the last parameter. For example, assign fader 16 to control volume for channel strip 16. The number of controllers between the first and last in the series must match the number of parameters between the first and last parameter. In the example, the distance between 1 and 16 would equal 15.
A “Do you want to fill up in between?” dialog is shown.
To automatically fill the controllers between the first and last with the corresponding assignments, click OK.
Note: You can only use shortcuts for knobs that send a single channel message, where the first data byte is the controller number and the second data byte is the value. Alternatively, the controller number can be encoded in the MIDI channel, with a fixed first data byte. Consult the documentation that came with your device for information on its data structure.