Add source material to Sample Alchemy in Logic Pro for Mac
Sample Alchemy provides various ways to add an audio file, Apple Loop, or region. Once you’ve added the file, you can choose different modes to change playback behavior, you can directly edit waveform markers, and you can alter the tonal color and performance characteristics with the synthesis and modulation parameters.
Drag a sample or loop from the Loop Browser into the Sample Alchemy waveform display.
Tip: The Tonal filter accessible in the Loop Browser under Descriptors is a good way to find sounds that work well in Sample Alchemy.
Drag an audio region from the arrangement in your project into the Sample Alchemy waveform display.
Drag a sample to a software instrument track header.
In the Create New Track using dialog, select Sample Alchemy.
Click the “Sample name” field at the top center of Sample Alchemy.
Click Load Audio File to open the Finder.
In the Finder, browse to the file you want to import, then click Open.