Compressor in Logic Pro for Mac
Compressor emulates the sound and response of several professional-level compressors. It tightens up your audio by reducing sounds that exceed a certain threshold level, smoothing out the dynamics and increasing the overall volume—the perceived loudness. Compression helps bring the key parts of a track or mix into focus, while preventing softer parts from becoming inaudible. It is probably the most versatile and widely used sound-shaping tool in mixing, next to EQ.
You can use Compressor with individual tracks, including vocal, instrumental, and effects tracks, as well as on the overall mix. Usually you insert Compressor directly into a channel strip, but it can be used on aux channels or elsewhere in the signal path.
To add Compressor to your project, choose Dynamics > Compressor in a channel strip Audio Effect plug-in menu. See Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins in Logic Pro for Mac.

The interface is divided into two main areas:
Main parameters: The bulk of the interface contains the meters and Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack, and other controls. See Compressor main parameters.
Output or Side Chain parameters: The right side of the interface is shared by two discrete groups of parameters. Click the Side Chain or Output button to view and use the parameters in each group. See Compressor output parameters and Compressor side chain parameters.