You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.
When you move a region, it snaps to the nearest position on the Tracks area grid, using the current Snap value. You can override the grid by holding down Control while dragging regions to move them in steps of one division, or by holding down both Control and Shift while dragging to move them by single ticks or samples (depending on the zoom setting).
You can nudge regions (move them in small increments) left or right using key commands. To nudge regions, you first set the nudge value, then move selected regions by this value. Alternatively, you can nudge regions by a set value.
You can slip regions, which moves the content of the region left or right by the nudge value without moving the boundaries of the region. The content effectively moves inside the region, which remains stationary. Slipping a region is possible only when the source content exceeds the length of the region by the amount you slip (or greater).
You can also rotate regions. Similar to slipping, rotating moves the region content left or right by the nudge value, but with the difference that content that extends past the region border on one side reappears on the other side, as though the region were a loop.
When an audio region is rotated, it is converted to a one-track folder (indicated by a folder icon in the upper-left corner of the region) containing two regions. If it is rotated multiple times, the number of regions in the one-track folder stays the same, but the junction point between the two regions moves through the folder, reflecting the extent of the cumulative rotation. You can unpack the one-track folder, or unpack and merge it to a single region, by clicking the folder icon and choosing corresponding commands from the menu that appears.
You can use slip and rotate to move the content of audio or MIDI regions. When you slip or rotate a Session Player region, it is first converted to a MIDI region, then the content of the MIDI region is slipped or rotated.
Tip: You can also move and resize regions numerically by opening an Event Float window. See Use the Event Float window.
In Logic Pro, do any of the following:
Drag a region left or right in the Tracks area to move it to a new point in the same track.
Drag an audio region up or down in the Tracks area to another audio track.
Drag a MIDI region up or down in the Tracks area to another software instrument track.
In Logic Pro, select the region, then use the Move Region/Event to Playhead Position (Pickup Clock) key command.
If more than one region is selected, all subsequent regions are moved. For audio regions, the region anchor is placed at the current playhead position. See The Project Audio Browser.
In Logic Pro, select the audio region, then choose Edit > Move > To Recorded Position.
This command only works for timestamped audio files, such as those recorded in the current project, and imported Broadcast Wave files. Timestamped files are indicated by a clock symbol in the Project Audio Browser.
In Logic Pro, select the regions, then choose Edit > Move > To Selected Track. The regions are moved to the selected track, keeping their existing time positions.
In Logic Pro, select the regions you want to move.
Press and hold Option and press the Left or Right Arrow key.
In Logic Pro, select the regions, then do one of the following:
Choose Edit > Move > Slip Left (or use the corresponding key command: Control-Option-Left Arrow).
Choose Edit > Move > Slip Right (or use the corresponding key command: Control-Option-Right Arrow).
In Logic Pro, select the regions, then do one of the following:
Choose Edit > Move > Rotate Left (or use the corresponding key command: Control-Option-Command-Left Arrow).
Choose Edit > Move > Rotate Right (or use the corresponding key command: Control-Option-Command-Right Arrow).
In Logic Pro, use one of the following key commands:
You can limit the movement of regions to either the horizontal or the vertical axis by selecting the Logic Pro > Settings > General > Editing > Limit Dragging to One Direction In Tracks checkbox. If you initially move a region left or right, movement is limited to the horizontal axis. If you want to move a region from one track to another, release the mouse button, reselect the region, then drag it up or down. While this setting is selected, you can override it by pressing Shift when moving regions.