Controller assignments Expert view parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
This section outlines each parameter shown in the fields on the right side of the Controller Assignments window when in Expert view. See use controller assignments Expert view in Logic Pro for how to turn on Expert view.

Controller Assignment parameters
Control Name field: Displays the name of the controller for supported devices, or “Learned” for unsupported devices. For more information see Controller assignments Control Name and Label fields in Logic Pro for Mac.
Label field: Displays characters that represent the label for the assignment on the control surface display. For more information see Controller assignments Control Name and Label fields in Logic Pro for Mac.
Flip Group field: Enter an integer value to define a flip group for the assignment. For more information, see Controller assignments Flip Group and Exclusive parameters in Logic Pro for Mac.
Class pop-up menu: Choose the class of parameter (parameter type) you want to assign. For more information, see Controller assignments Class pop-up menu parameters in Logic Pro for Mac.
Note: Depending on the chosen class, different fields and pop-up menus for that class appear below the Class pop-up menu.
Parameter/Mode pop-up menu and field: Depending on your choice in the Class pop-up menu, you can choose from dozens of different parameters and modes. The options available change as different classes are selected.
Group/Track/Command/Key field pop-up menu: These options also change depending on your choice in the Class pop-up menu.
Bank Type pop-up menu: This pop-up menu determines the bank relationship of the assigned parameter. This can be as per the Group setting, By One, or By Bank.

Input Message parameters
The central area shows the following parameters. See Controller assignments Expert view Input Message parameters in Logic Pro for Mac for details.
MIDI Input pop-up menu: Choose a MIDI input source (MIDI Port or Caps Lock Keyboard). This can be changed by incoming MIDI messages, shown in the Value Change field.
Value Change field: Displays incoming MIDI messages that cause a value change.
Touch/Release field: Enter an integer value to force incoming MIDI messages to change the touch/release state of the selected parameter. This applies only to control surfaces with touch-sensitive controls.

Value parameters
The lower area shows the following parameters. See Controller assignments Expert view Value parameters in Logic Pro for Mac for details.
Min and Max fields: Enter integer values to set the range for incoming MIDI values.
Format pop-up menu: Choose the format used to encode negative values.
Multiply field: Enter a value to scale incoming MIDI values.
Mode pop-up menu: Choose the mode used by incoming values to modify the current parameter value.
Feedback pop-up menu and checkboxes: Choose the display format of the parameter value on the control surface display, if applicable.