Plug-in settings are stored with the project file and are automatically recalled the next time the project is opened. In the plug-in window, you can load, copy and paste, compare, save, create default, and delete plug-in settings. You can also load, save, and delete plug-in settings in the Library.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Select the relevant channel strip in the Mixer, then click the triangle that appears to the left of the effect or instrument slot in the inspector channel strip.
The Library updates to show presets for the selected plug-in slot, and you can choose the preset you want to add.
In the plug-in window, do one of the following:
Open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose a setting from the submenus.
Open the Settings pop-up menu, click Load Setting, then choose a setting in the dialog that appears.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
In the plug-in window, do one of the following:
Click the left arrow to choose the previous setting, or the right arrow to choose the next setting.
Open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose Next Setting or Previous Setting.
Next Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or Sampler Instrument
Previous Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or Sampler Instrument
You can audition your audio or instrument track through two variations of a plug-in.
In a Logic Pro plug-in, adjust any of the plug-in parameters.
The Compare button turns blue, indicating that you have made changes, but have not saved the edited settings in the project.
Click the Compare button to listen to the setting that was originally saved with the project.
The Compare button turns black.
Click the Compare button again to switch back to the edited plug-in setting.
The Compare button again turns blue.
In Logic Pro you can copy and past plug-in settings in either of two ways:
To copy a plug-in setting, do one of the following:
Click the Copy button in the plug-in window header.
Open the Settings pop-up menu in the plug-in window, then choose Copy Setting.
All parameter settings are copied into a plug-in settings Clipboard, which is independent of the global Clipboard.
To paste the plug-in setting, do one of the following:
Click the Paste button in the plug-in window header.
Open the Settings pop-up menu in the plug-in window, then choose Paste Setting.
In the Logic Pro plug-in window, open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose Reset Setting.
In Logic Pro you can save a plug-in setting in either of two ways:
In the plug-in window, do one of the following:
Open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose Save Setting. This command overwrites the existing plug-in setting.
Open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose Save Setting As. Name and save the new setting. You can also create a folder location, which must be in the associated plug-in folder.
In the Library, click the Save button.
In the Logic Pro plug-in window, open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose Save Setting As Default.
This setting loads whenever that plug-in type is opened. You can also revert to this user default setting at any point by choosing Recall Default Setting from the Settings pop-up menu.
In a Logic Pro plug-in, do one of the following:
In the plug-in window, open the Settings pop-up menu, then choose “Delete [name of setting].”