Crossfade between ES2 filters in Logic Pro for Mac
Filter Blend can have a significant effect on the ES2 signal flow. Regardless of whether parallel or series filter configurations are chosen, a Filter Blend setting of −1 results in only Filter 1 being audible. A Filter Blend setting of +1 limits audibility to Filter 2. The figures illustrate the signal flow between the Oscillator Mix stage (the Triangle) and the dynamic stage (the Amplifier). The signal flow through the filters and the filter overdrive circuit (the Drive parameter) are dependent on the Filter Blend setting.
Filter Blend: Series filter configuration information
Use positive values for Filter Blend to partially bypass Filter 1.
Use negative values for Filter Blend to partially bypass Filter 2.
When zero or positive Filter Blend values are used, there is only one overdrive circuit for both filters.
Use of negative Filter Blend values introduces another overdrive circuit, which distorts the output signal of the oscillator mix stage before it is fed into the first filter.
If Drive is set to 0, no distortion occurs.
Filter Blend: Parallel filter configuration information
In a parallel configuration, the overdrive/distortion circuit—the Drive parameter—is always wired after the oscillator mix stage—the Triangle—and before the filters. The filters receive a mono input signal from the output of the overdrive circuit. The outputs of both filters are mixed to mono via Filter Blend.
The Filter Blend parameter is available as a modulation target in the router. You can use manual control sources, such as the modulation wheel, to change the filter blend; but the Filter Blend target can also be used creatively, to rapidly switch or smoothly fade between the two filters. You can also use velocity, or a combination of the Vector Envelope and Planar Pad as sources. The latter allows for interesting filter control possibilities that evolve independently, or alongside oscillator parameters that are also being controlled with the Vector Envelope.