Amp Designer amplifier controls in Logic Pro for Mac
The amp parameters include controls for the input gain, presence, and master output. The Gain knob is located to the left in the knobs section, the Presence and Master knobs are to the right, and the Output parameter is at the lower-right edge of the interface.

Amplifier parameters
Gain knob: Set the amount of preamplification applied to the input signal. This control affects specific amp models in different ways. For example, when you use the British Amp, the maximum gain setting produces a powerful crunch sound. When you use the Vintage British Head or Modern British Head, the same gain setting produces heavy distortion, suitable for lead solos.
Presence knob: Adjust the ultra-high frequency range—above the range of the Treble control. The Presence parameter affects only the output (Master) stage.
Master knob: Set the output volume of the amplifier signal sent to the cabinet. For tube amplifiers, increasing the Master level typically produces a compressed and saturated sound, resulting in a more distorted and louder signal.
WARNING: Because high Master knob settings can produce an extremely loud output that can damage your speakers or hearing, start with a low Master knob setting and then slowly increase it.
Output slider or field: Set the final output level of Amp Designer.
Note: The slider is replaced with a field in the small interface.