Create a concert in MainStage
You start by creating a concert from a template. You can also open an existing concert to play the patches in the concert or continue editing them.
Create a new concert from a template
In MainStage, choose File > New.
In the Choose Template dialog, choose the devices you want to use for audio input and output from the Audio Input and Audio Output pop-up menus.
Click an instrument category on the left to view templates for that category. You can also click Quick Start and choose a simple keyboard or guitar template to start playing immediately.
A brief description below each template describes its features and intended use.
Scroll to find the template you want to use, then select it.
Click Choose, or double-click the template.
Choosing one of the Quick Start templates opens a new concert in Perform mode, so you can start playing immediately. Choosing any other template opens a new concert in Edit mode.