Alchemy file locations in MainStage
You can find Alchemy files in the following default locations:
Presets: /Library/Application Support/Logic/Plug-In Settings/Alchemy
User presets: ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Plug-In Settings/Alchemy
Sample data: /Library/Application Support/Logic/Alchemy Samples
Sampler Instruments: /Library/Application Support/Logic/Sampler Instruments
User sample data: ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Alchemy Samples
Ratings, comments, tags, and attributes: These are stored in the preset database file.
When you save a preset as part of a channel strip setting (CST file), patch, or project (when File > Project Settings > Assets > “Copy Alchemy audio files into project” is not active):
The location of previously saved AAZ data (the Alchemy analyzed sample format) is retained.
If AAZ data has not already been saved, it is saved in the ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Alchemy Samples folder.
When you save an ACP (Alchemy preset) file, Logic Pro also automatically saves references to AAZ files in the application samples folder. If AAZ files are in any other location, they are saved in the same folder as the ACP file. The ACP filename is used at the front of AAZ filenames.
User samples may be located anywhere on disk, with AAZ data being saved in the patch or preset location. Logic Pro for Mac uses the default locations listed above when File > Project Settings > Assets > “Copy Alchemy audio files into project” is not active.