Sculpture Randomize menu commands in MainStage
You can Control-click the Rnd button to open a shortcut menu which contains commands that determine the parameters randomized with the Rnd button and Int slider.

Randomize menu commands
All morphable parameters: Randomizes all parameters in the following groups, which can lead to unusual sounds. This can lead to some interesting results, but it is uncontrolled, making it unsuitable for the “sound breeding” idea discussed in Randomize points in the Sculpture Morph Pad.
All except TensMod: Identical to All morphable parameters, but excludes the TensionMod parameter from randomization.
String Material/Media: Includes the Material Pad position, Stiffness, Inner Loss, Media Loss, Resolution, and Tension Modulation parameters for randomization.
Objects&Pickups: Alters the positions of objects and pickups, plus various object parameters, when randomization is used.
Waveshaper&Filter: Alters the positions of all Waveshaper and filter parameters when randomization is used.