Ringshifter output parameters in MainStage
Ringshifter output parameters set the balance between the effect and input signals and also set the width and feedback level.

Output parameters
Dry/Wet knob and field: Set the mix ratio of the dry input signal and the wet effect signal.
Feedback knob and field: Set the amount of signal routed back to the effect input. Feedback adds an edge to the Ringshifter sound and is used for a variety of special effects.
Feedback, in combination with a slow oscillator sweep, produces a rich phasing sound.
A high Feedback setting with a short delay time of less than 10 ms produces comb-filtering effects.
A high Feedback setting with a longer delay time produces continuously rising and falling frequency shift effects.
Stereo Width knob and field: Determine the breadth of the effect signal in the stereo field. Stereo Width affects only the effect signal of the Ringshifter, not the dry input signal.
Env Follow slider and field: Determine the amount of Dry/Wet parameter modulation by the input signal level.
LFO slider and field: Set the LFO modulation depth of the Dry/Wet parameter.