EVOC 20 TrackOscillator output controls in MainStage
The output section provides control over the type, stereo width, and level of signal that is sent from EVOC 20 TrackOscillator.

Output parameters
Signal pop-up menu: Choose the signal that is sent to the plug-in main outputs.
Voc(oder): Hear the vocoder effect.
Syn(thesis): Hear only the synthesizer signal.
Ana(lysis): Hear only the analysis signal.
Note: The last two settings are mainly useful for monitoring purposes.
Level slider: Set the overall volume of the output signal.
Stereo Mode pop-up menu: Choose the input/output mode.
In s/s mode (stereo input/stereo output), the left and right channels are processed by separate filter banks.
In m/s mode (mono input/stereo output), a stereo input signal is first summed to mono before being routed to the filter banks.
Stereo Width knob: Distribute the output signals of the synthesis section filter bands in the stereo field.
At the 0 position to the left, the outputs of all bands are centered.
At the centered position, the outputs of all bands ascend from left to right.
At the Full position to the right, the bands are output—alternately—to the left and right channels.