The Layer Editor tab in the Channel Strip Inspector shows the key range for each channel strip in a patch and in the concert or set containing the patch (if either includes a channel strip with a key range). You can define the key range for a channel strip using the layers, the Learn buttons, or the Low Key and High Key value sliders.
In the MainStage Channel Strip Inspector, click the Layer Editor tab.
In the Layer Editor, move the pointer over the left edge of the layer you want to change or define.
The pointer changes to a resize pointer.
Drag the left edge of the layer to the note you want to use as the low key (the lowest note in the key range).
Move the pointer over the right edge of the layer.
Drag the right edge of the layer to the note you want to use as the high key (the highest note in the key range).
In the MainStage Channel Strips area, select the channel strip.
In the Channel Strip Inspector, click the Layer Editor tab.
Click the Learn button next to the Low Key value slider.
On your keyboard controller, press the key you want to set as the lowest key in the key range.
To turn off Learn mode for the Low Key, click the Learn button again.
Click the Learn button next to the High Key value slider.
On your keyboard controller, press the key you want to set as the highest key in the key range.
To turn off Learn mode for the High Key, click the Learn button again.
When you play the patch, you hear the channel strip when you play notes inside the key range. When you play notes outside the key range, no sound is generated from the channel strip.
In the MainStage Channel Strips area, select the channel strip.
In the Channel Strip Inspector, click the Layer Editor tab.
Change the value in the Low Key value slider.
You can drag vertically, click the up arrow or down arrow, or double-click the value and enter a new value.
Change the value in the High Key value slider.
You can drag vertically, click the up arrow or down arrow, or double-click the value and enter a new value.