The string is the central synthesis element of Sculpture and is responsible for the basic tone. It offers parameters that enable you to adjust its material—what it is made of, in other words—and to define the environment that it is being played in—water or air, for example.
Tip: Before starting, Control-click the string (the green horizontal line in the Pickup display), then choose “enable string animation” from the shortcut menu. When active, the string vibrates when you play a note, making it easier to visualize the impact of the objects and pickups.
In MainStage, click the Keyscale button at the bottom of the Material Pad ring.
Strike and hold or repeatedly strike middle C on your keyboard. Middle C is the default pitch of the string.
While striking middle C, drag the ball around the Material Pad. Listen to the sonic changes as you move between the Nylon, Wood, Steel, and Glass materials. Keep an eye on the string (the green horizontal line in the Pickup display, to the left) as you’re doing so.
When you find a basic tone that you like, release the mouse button.
In MainStage, experiment with the values of each of the sliders that surround the Material Pad—the Media Loss, Tension Mod, and Resolution parameters—while continuing to strike middle C. Note the changes that each makes to the sound, and also to the string animation in the Pickup display. Play a few notes above and below middle C, again keeping your eye on the string.
You probably noticed that moving the Media Loss, Tension Mod, and Resolution sliders also had an effect on the green and blue Keyscale sliders inside and outside the ring. Drag each of these Keyscale slider arrowheads to different positions—one by one—while you play a few notes either side of middle C. Notice the changes that happen up or down the keyboard range.
When you’re done, click the Release button at the bottom of the Material Pad ring, and adjust the blue Media Loss Release slider while you strike notes.