Imagine a drum kit with a number of different samples used in several zones, mapped across the keyboard. You might decide that you want to change the parameters of each sample independently—to alter the decay of the snare, or to use a different cutoff setting for all hi-hat samples, for example.
In this context, the Sampler groups feature is useful. Groups allow for flexible sample organization. You can define as many groups as you need, and assign each zone to one of these groups. In a drum kit, for example, you could assign all kick drums to Group 1, all snares to Group 2, all hi-hats to Group 3, and so on.
A group makes it possible to define a velocity range for all assigned zones, allowing you to specify a velocity window in which the grouped zones are triggered, for example. Each group also features offset parameters for envelope 1 (amplitude), envelope 2 (assignable), and filter settings made in the Synth pane. See Use Sampler Group view for information on parameters and options.
You can also play all zones without defining and assigning multiple groups—at least one group will always exist as the default location for all zones—in this case, changes to Synth and other parameter settings affect all samples (in all zones) equally.
In Logic Pro Sampler, click the Mapping button in the Navigation bar to view the Mapping pane, then click the Group view button if Group view is not shown.
Choose New from the Group menu.
A new group appears in the Name column at the left side.
In any of the Logic Pro Sampler Mapping pane views, do one of the following:
Select an audio file or loop—then drag it onto a group name displayed in the Mapping pane.
A new zone, containing an audio file or loop, is created. Shift-click or Command-click to select multiple files.
Tip: You can add any type of loop from the Loop Browser, including MIDI loops, Step Sequencer loops, and Session Player loops.
Select an audio file or loop—then drag it into the empty area below the last group name displayed in the Mapping pane. This creates a new group, containing the dragged zone, or zones.
Choose New from the Zone menu.
This creates a new zone in the selected group. If no group is selected, a new group is created—containing the new, empty zone.
Choose Zone > Load Audio Files (or use the Load Audio Files key command: Control-F).
This method creates a new zone with the selected audio file.
In Logic Pro Sampler, select a zone (or multiple zones) in the Key Mapping Editor or Zone view.
Shift-click or Command-click to select multiple zones.
Choose Cut or Copy from the Edit menu.
Click the target group, then choose Paste from the Edit menu.
In Logic Pro Sampler, select a zone (or multiple zones) in the Key Mapping Editor or Zone view.
Shift-click or Command-click to select multiple zones.
Press the Delete key or choose the Delete command from the Edit menu.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Mapping pane, go to the Edit menu, then choose Select Unused.
A group that doesn’t contain at least one zone, is not part of a round robin, and has no keyswitch is considered unused, and is selected.
Press the Delete key or choose the Delete command from the Edit menu.