Overview of groups in Logic Pro for Mac
Before mixing, you may find it useful to create channel strip groups. You could, for example, group all drum channel strips under one drum group. This would allow you to adjust group parameters (volume, pan, mute, solo, sends, and so on) using a single control, while still maintaining the relative parameter values of each channel strip. Using the groups feature, you can:
Create new groups and delete a group or all unused groups. See Create and delete groups.
Add and remove channel strips from a group. See Edit group membership.
Define which mixer features affect the channel strips in a group. See Group Settings window.
Automate a group. See Automate groups.
Edit every channel strip in a group simultaneously. See Group editing.
The Logic Pro mixer also supports a special kind of channel strip group designed specifically for submixing the volume of multiple channel strips routed to different outputs, called a VCA group. See Use VCA groups.
You can have a maximum of 64 groups. A channel strip can also be a member of multiple groups.
It is possible to use aux channel strips for grouping purposes, but with aux channel strips the emphasis is on controlling overall signal flow.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, the Mixer groups feature is available.