Logic Pro for Mac Score Editor interface
The Score Editor displays MIDI regions as music notation, including notes, rests, and other MIDI events such as sustain pedal markings. You can add and edit notes and other musical symbols. Lyrics, titles, and other text can also be included in the score. You can control the display of individual staffs, extract parts from the score, modify the overall score layout, and print or export complete scores, partial scores, and parts.

Score working area: Displays music notation for selected MIDI regions, tracks, or the entire project.
Region inspector: Choose visual quantization and other display settings for selected regions.
Event inspector: Control appearance and position settings for individual notes and other items in the score.
Part box: Displays available musical symbols, organized in groups. Select musical symbols to add to the score, and customize the order of symbols in the Part box.
For more information about using the Score Editor, see Overview of music notation.