Edit default score parameters for new regions in Logic Pro for Mac
New MIDI regions created by recording, or with the Pencil tool, include a default set of region parameters (and event parameters). You can view and edit these defaults when no staff (no region) is selected in the Score Editor. The defaults remain as set until you quit Logic Pro, but can be changed at any time.
You can edit the default region (and event) parameters, except for the Staff Style parameter, which is separate for each track, and is set in the bottom line of the Track inspector. After you edit the defaults, all new regions will use the new default settings. If Quantize is set to “default,” the display Quantize setting of newly recorded or created regions matches the division value shown in the LCD.
Edit region and event parameter default values
Click an empty area of the Score Editor background (so that no region is selected).
Edit any of the parameter values in the Region inspector (except the Style parameter) or the Event inspector.