3D Object Viewer in Logic Pro for Mac
The 3D Object Viewer is a graphical representation of a three-dimensional listening room with a virtual head in the center indicating the listening position.
Object placement
The 3D Object Viewer provides a visual representation of your spatial mix using the following controls:
Each signal of an object track is displayed as a small sphere inside the 3D space.
The blue sphere is only visible if a signal is playing on the corresponding object track.
Selecting one or more objects in the 3D Objects column changes the color of the sphere to white and makes it visible in the 3D Object Viewer even if no signal is playing on that object track.
The pan position of the object track (based on the setting of the 3D Object Panner) is shown as the position of the corresponding sphere in the 3D space.
When a project is playing, the sphere will move in that virtual space according to any automation created for the parameters of the 3D Object Panner.
A halo around the sphere will appear when you increase the Size parameter for an object in the 3D Object Panner.
Note: The 3D Object Viewer doesn’t show any signals from the surround bed, only the signals of object tracks.

Change the viewing angle of the 3D Object Viewer
You can change the perspective of the 3D Object Viewer to help you visualize the positions of the object tracks in relation to each other and the listener.
In the Dolby Atmos plug-in, do any of the following:
Drag the 3D Object Viewer to rotate it and therefore change the viewing angle of the listening room.
Click on any of the six Rotate buttons below the viewer to choose a predefined viewing angle.
Click the Custom button to change the angle that you set manually by dragging the viewer.
Note: Dragging the viewer automatically selects the Custom button.