Record additional software instrument takes in Logic Pro for Mac
You can record multiple versions, or takes, in quick succession. Later, you can preview the take recordings and choose which one you want to use in the project.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can record multiple MIDI takes.
Record multiple MIDI takes
Choose Logic Pro > Settings > Recording > Overlapping Track Recordings, then choose Create Take Folder from the MIDI Cycle On pop-up menu.
Drag left or right in the top part of the ruler.
The cycle area appears as a yellow strip in the ruler, and Cycle mode is automatically turned on.
Click the Record button
in the control bar (or press R) to start recording.
Recording starts automatically at the beginning of the defined cycle area.
Use your MIDI keyboard, Musical Typing window, or onscreen keyboard to play some notes. Record as many cycle passes as you want.
Note: Each previously recorded take is automatically muted during recording.
Click the Stop button
in the control bar (or press the Space bar) to stop recording.
The selected track contains a closed take folder with multiple take regions inside.
Open the take folder by doing one of the following:
Click the disclosure arrow in the upper-left corner of the take folder.
Double-click the take folder.
Select the take folder and press Control-F.