Match the tempo to an audio region in Logic Pro for Mac
You can adjust the project’s tempo to match the tempo of an audio region. The length of the region remains constant, and the tempo changes to match the region.
For example, imagine you have imported a one-bar drum loop that doesn’t match your project tempo. The drum loop adapts to your project tempo, becoming shorter or longer than one bar. You can set the project tempo to match the original tempo of the drum loop, using the Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators command.
The Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators command adjusts the project tempo by creating a tempo change event at the start point of the selected audio region. This ensures that the length of the selected audio region matches exactly the distance between the locators.
Match the project tempo to an audio region
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, select the audio region to which you want to match the project tempo.
Control-click the Cycle button in the control bar, and make sure the Auto Set Locators by Region Selection option is not selected.
Set the left and right locator positions in the ruler.
The locator range should closely match the length of the region—usually to the nearest bar.
Choose Edit > Tempo > Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators.
A dialog asks if you want to change the tempo of the entire project, or create a tempo change for the section of the project occupied by the selected region.
Do one of the following:
To adjust the tempo of the complete project to the audio region: Click Globally.
To create a tempo change that spans the length of the audio region: Click Create.
The project tempo is recalculated to conform with the audio length (and locators).