Use Space Designer output controls in Logic Pro for Mac
Space Designer global parameters affect the overall input, output, or behavior of the effect. See Space Designer global parameters and Use Space Designer global controls.
The tasks below cover the use of Space Designer output parameters.
In Logic Pro, use the output parameters to adjust the balance between the direct (dry) signals and the processed (wet) signals. The parameters that are available depend on the input configuration.
Space Designer provides two output sliders—the Dry slider for the direct signal, and the Wet slider for the reverb signal.

Set the level of the Dry slider: Move to set the level of the non-effect, or dry, signal. Move the slider to a value of 0 (mute) if Space Designer is inserted in an aux channel strip (used as an effect return) or when you’re using modeling impulse responses, such as speaker simulations.
Set the level of the Wet slider: Move to adjust the level of the effect signal.
In Logic Pro, use the output parameters to adjust the balance between the direct, or dry, signal and processed signals. The parameters that are available depend on the input configuration.
In surround configurations, Space Designer provides up to four sliders that together comprise a small surround mixer, in addition to the Dry and Wet sliders.

When you choose surround formats that include height channels, this changes the appearance of parameters, and the operation of surround faders.

Set the level of the LFE to Rev slider: Adjust the level of the LFE channel from the source signal that is sent to the reverb input.
Note: The multichannel reverb output doesn't have an LFE channel.
Set the level of the C(enter) slider: Adjust the output level of the center channel (of the multichannel reverb output) independently from other surround channels.
Set the the Bal(ance) slider: Move to balance between the front (Lm-L-R-Rm) and the rear channels (Ls-Rs). The center channel is not affected.
In 7.1 ITU surround, the balance pivots around the Lm-Rm speakers, taking the surround angles into account.
In 7.1 SDDS surround, the Lc-Rc speakers are considered front speakers.
In surround formats that contain height channels, two Balance sliders are shown:
Balance Bottom/Top slider and field: Balance the reverb output between ear-level speakers (value of 0) and height speakers (value of 1). This doesn’t affect the center channel reverb output.
Balance Front/Rear slider and field: Balance the reverb output between rear speakers (value of 0) and front speakers (value of 1). This applies to ear-level and height speakers, but not the center channel reverb output.
Set the level of the Dry slider: Move to set the overall level of the non-effect signal for all channels. Move the slider to a value of 0 (mute) when using Space Designer as a bus effect in an aux channel strip. Use the Send knob of each bussed channel strip to control the wet/dry balance.
Set the level of the Wet slider: Move to adjust the output level of the effect, or wet, signal for all channels.
The X-Over (crossover) slider setting and Hi and Lo Spread knob values enhance the perceived width of the signal. This occurs without losing the directional information of the input signal normally found in the higher frequency range. Low frequencies are spread to the sides, reducing the amount of low frequency content in the center—allowing the reverb to encompass the mix.

In Logic Pro, set the level of the Spread knob(s) and field(s): Rotate to extend the stereo base to frequencies below or above the frequency determined by the X-Over parameter.
At a Spread value of 0.00, no stereo or surround information is added. The inherent stereo or surround information of the source signal and reverb is retained.
At a Spread value of 1.00, divergence between the left and right channels is at its maximum.
Note: No Spread controls are shown in the Sampled IR mode of surround instances.
Set the X-Over slider and field value: Set the crossover frequency in hertz. Any impulse response frequency below or above the value you set is affected by the Lo and Hi Spread parameters (at values over zero).
Note: These parameters have no impact when you use Space Designer as a mono plug-in.